Bluetooth (extends EventEmitter)
publish(id, value)
createDigest(algorithm, message)
murmur3(value, seed)
lookup(hostname, options, cb)
lookup(hostname, opts)
createSocket(options, callback)
Socket (extends EventEmitter)
bind(port, address, callback)
connect(port, host, connectListener)
send(msg, offset, length, port, address, callback)
ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_BOUND (extends SocketError)
ERR_SOCKET_BAD_TYPE (extends TypeError)
ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT (extends RangeError)
access(path, mode, callback)
chmod(path, mode, callback)
chown(path, uid, gid, callback)
close(fd, callback)
copyFile(src, dest, flags, callback)
createReadStream(path, options)
createWriteStream(path, options)
fstat(fd, options, callback)
fsync(fd, callback)
ftruncate(fd, offset, callback)
lchown(path, uid, gid, callback)
link(src, dest, )
open(path, flags, mode, options, callback)
opendir(path, options, callback)
read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback)
readdir(path, options, callback)
readFile(path, options, callback)
readlink(path, callback)
realpath(path, callback)
rename(src, dest, callback)
rmdir(path, callback)
stat(path, options, callback)
symlink(src, dest)
unlink(path, callback)
writeFile(path, data, options, callback)
watch(, options, callback)
access(path, mode, options)
chmod(path, mode)
chown(path, uid, gid)
copyFile(src, dest, flags)
lchown(path, uid, gid)
link(src, dest)
mkdir(path, options)
open(path, flags, mode)
opendir(path, options)
readdir(path, options)
readFile(path, options)
rename(src, dest)
stat(path, options)
symlink(src, dest)
writeFile(path, data, options)
watch(, options)
emit(name, value, target, options)
send(command, value, options)
relative(options, from, to)
join(options, components)
dirname(options, components)
basename(options, components)
extname(options, path)
normalize(options, path)
format(options, path)
from(input, cwd)
constructor(pathname, cwd)
constructor(name, fn, runner)
deepEqual(actual, expected, msg)
notDeepEqual(actual, expected, msg)
equal(actual, expected, msg)
notEqual(actual, expected, msg)
ok(actual, msg)
ifError(err, msg)
throws(fn, expected, message)
sleep(ms, msg)
click(selector, msg)
eventClick(selector, msg)
dispatchEvent(event, target, msg)
focus(selector, msg)
blur(selector, msg)
type(selector, str, msg)
appendChild(parentSelector, el, msg)
removeElement(selector, msg)
elementVisible(selector, msg)
elementInvisible(selector, msg)
waitFor(querySelectorOrFn, opts, msg)
waitForText(selector, opts, msg)
querySelector(selector, msg)
querySelectorAll(selector, msg)
getComputedStyle(selector, msg)
add(name, fn, only)
only(name, fn)
skip(_name, _fn)
addListener(event, cb)
on(event, cb)
once(event, cb)
removeListener(event, cb)
off(event, cb)
IPC (External Module)
addListener(event, cb)
on(event, cb)
once(event, cb)
removeListener(event, cb)
off(event, cb)


Provides Application level methods

Example usage:

import { createWindow } from 'socket:application'


Creates a new window and returns an instance of ApplicationWindow.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
opts object false an options object
opts.index number false the index of the window
opts.path string false the path to the HTML file to load into the window
opts.title string true the title of the window
opts.width number | string true the width of the window. If undefined, the window will have the main window width.
opts.height number | string true the height of the window. If undefined, the window will have the main window height.
opts.minWidth number | string 0 true the minimum width of the window
opts.minHeight number | string 0 true the minimum height of the window
opts.maxWidth number | string 100% true the maximum width of the window
opts.maxHeight number | string 100% true the maximum height of the window
opts.resizable boolean true true whether the window is resizable
opts.frameless boolean false true whether the window is frameless
opts.utility boolean false true whether the window is utility (macOS only)
opts.canExit boolean false true whether the window can exit the app
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Returns the current screen size.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<{ width: number, height: number >}


Returns the ApplicationWindow instances for the given indices or all windows if no indices are provided.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
indices number true the indices of the windows
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<Object.<number, ApplicationWindow>>


Returns the ApplicationWindow instance for the given index

Argument Type Default Optional Description
index number false the index of the window
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise the ApplicationWindow instance or null if the window does not exist


Returns the ApplicationWindow instance for the current window.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Quits the backend process and then quits the render process, the exit code used is the final exit code to the OS.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
code number 0 true an exit code
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>


Set the native menu for the app.

Socket Runtime provides a minimalist DSL that makes it easy to create cross platform native system and context menus.

Menus are created at run time. They can be created from either the Main or Render process. The can be recreated instantly by calling the setSystemMenu method.

The method takes a string. Here's an example of a menu. The semi colon is significant indicates the end of the menu. Use an underscore when there is no accelerator key. Modifiers are optional. And well known OS menu options like the edit menu will automatically get accelerators you dont need to specify them.

socket.application.setSystemMenu({ index: 0, value: `
    Foo: f;

    Cut: x
    Copy: c
    Paste: v
    Delete: _
    Select All: a;

    Apple: _
    Another Test: T
    !Im Disabled: I
    Some Thing: S + Meta
    Bazz: s + Meta, Control, Alt;


To create a separator, use three dashes ---.

Accelerator Modifiers

Accelerator modifiers are used as visual indicators but don't have a material impact as the actual key binding is done in the event listener.

A capital letter implies that the accelerator is modified by the Shift key.

Additional accelerators are Meta, Control, Option, each separated by commas. If one is not applicable for a platform, it will just be ignored.

On MacOS Meta is the same as Command.

Disabled Items

If you want to disable a menu item just prefix the item with the ! character. This will cause the item to appear disabled when the system menu renders.


We feel like nested menus are an anti-pattern. We don't use them. If you have a strong argument for them and a very simple pull request that makes them work we may consider them.

Event Handling

When a menu item is activated, it raises the menuItemSelected event in the front end code, you can then communicate with your backend code if you want from there.

For example, if the Apple item is selected from the Other menu...

window.addEventListener('menuItemSelected', event => {
  assert(event.detail.parent === 'Other')
  assert(event.detail.title === 'Apple')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false an options object
options.value string false the menu layout
options.index number false the window to target (if applicable)
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>


Set the enabled state of the system menu.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
value object false an options object
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>


Socket Runtime version.


Runtime debug flag.


Application configuration.


The application's backend instance.


Argument Type Default Optional Description
opts object false an options object
opts.force boolean false true whether to force the existing process to close
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>


Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>


A high-level, cross-platform API for Bluetooth Pub-Sub

Example usage:

import { Bluetooth } from 'socket:bluetooth'

Bluetooth (extends EventEmitter)

Create an instance of a Bluetooth service.


constructor is an example property that is set to true Creates a new service with key-value pairs

Argument Type Default Optional Description
serviceId string false Given a default value to determine the type


Start the Bluetooth service.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>


Start scanning for published values that correspond to a well-known UUID. Once subscribed to a UUID, events that correspond to that UUID will be emitted. To receive these events you can add an event listener, for example...

const ble = new Bluetooth(id)
ble.on(uuid, (data, details) => {
  // something interesting
Argument Type Default Optional Description
id string true A well-known UUID
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>

publish(id, value)

Start advertising a new value for a well-known UUID

Argument Type Default Optional Description
id string true A well-known UUID
value string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Buffer module is a third party vendor module provided by Feross Aboukhadijeh and other contributors (MIT License).

External docs:


Some high-level methods around the crypto.subtle API for getting random bytes and hashing.

Example usage:

import { randomBytes } from 'socket:crypto'


External docs: WebCrypto API


A promise that resolves when all internals to be loaded/ready.


External docs: Generate cryptographically strong random values into the buffer

Argument Type Default Optional Description
buffer TypedArray false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified TypedArray


Generate a random 64-bit number.

Return Value Type Description
A random 64-bit number. BigInt


Maximum total size of random bytes per page


Maximum total size for random bytes.


Maximum total amount of allocated per page of bytes (max/quota)


Generate size random bytes.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
size number false The number of bytes to generate. The size must not be larger than 2**31 - 1.
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Buffer A promise that resolves with an instance of socket.Buffer with random bytes.

createDigest(algorithm, message)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
algorithm string false SHA-1
message Buffer | TypedArray | DataView false An instance of socket.Buffer, TypedArray or Dataview.
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise A promise that resolves with an instance of socket.Buffer with the hash.

murmur3(value, seed)

A murmur3 hash implementation based on that works on strings and ArrayBuffer views (typed arrays)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
value string | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer false
seed number 0 true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified number


This module enables name resolution. For example, use it to look up IP addresses of host names. Although named for the Domain Name System (DNS), it does not always use the DNS protocol for lookups. dns.lookup() uses the operating system facilities to perform name resolution. It may not need to perform any network communication. To perform name resolution the way other applications on the same system do, use dns.lookup().

Example usage:

import { lookup } from 'socket:dns'

lookup(hostname, options, cb)

External docs: Resolves a host name (e.g. into the first found A (IPv4) or AAAA (IPv6) record. All option properties are optional. If options is an integer, then it must be 4 or 6 – if options is 0 or not provided, then IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are both returned if found.

From the node.js website...

With the all option set to true, the arguments for callback change to (err, addresses), with addresses being an array of objects with the properties address and family.

On error, err is an Error object, where err.code is the error code. Keep in mind that err.code will be set to 'ENOTFOUND' not only when the host name does not exist but also when the lookup fails in other ways such as no available file descriptors. dns.lookup() does not necessarily have anything to do with the DNS protocol. The implementation uses an operating system facility that can associate names with addresses and vice versa. This implementation can have subtle but important consequences on the behavior of any Node.js program. Please take some time to consult the Implementation considerations section before using dns.lookup().

Argument Type Default Optional Description
hostname string false The host name to resolve.
options object | intenumberger true An options object or record family. number | string 0 true The record family. Must be 4, 6, or 0. For backward compatibility reasons,'IPv4' and 'IPv6' are interpreted as 4 and 6 respectively. The value 0 indicates that IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are both returned. Default: 0.
cb function false The function to call after the method is complete.


This module enables name resolution. For example, use it to look up IP addresses of host names. Although named for the Domain Name System (DNS), it does not always use the DNS protocol for lookups. dns.lookup() uses the operating system facilities to perform name resolution. It may not need to perform any network communication. To perform name resolution the way other applications on the same system do, use dns.lookup().

Example usage:

import { lookup } from 'socket:dns/promises'

lookup(hostname, opts)

External docs:

Argument Type Default Optional Description
hostname string false The host name to resolve.
opts Object true An options object. number | string 0 true The record family. Must be 4, 6, or 0. For backward compatibility reasons,'IPv4' and 'IPv6' are interpreted as 4 and 6 respectively. The value 0 indicates that IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are both returned. Default: 0.
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


This module provides an implementation of UDP datagram sockets. It does not (yet) provide any of the multicast methods or properties.

Example usage:

import { createSocket } from 'socket:dgram'

createSocket(options, callback)

Creates a Socket instance.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options string | Object false either a string ('udp4' or 'udp6') or an options object
options.type string true The family of socket. Must be either 'udp4' or 'udp6'. Required.
options.reuseAddr boolean false true When true socket.bind() will reuse the address, even if another process has already bound a socket on it. Default: false.
options.ipv6Only boolean false true Default: false.
options.recvBufferSize number true Sets the SO_RCVBUF socket value.
options.sendBufferSize number true Sets the SO_SNDBUF socket value.
options.signal AbortSignal true An AbortSignal that may be used to close a socket.
callback function true Attached as a listener for 'message' events. Optional.
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Socket

Socket (extends EventEmitter)

New instances of dgram.Socket are created using dgram.createSocket(). The new keyword is not to be used to create dgram.Socket instances.

bind(port, address, callback)

External docs: Listen for datagram messages on a named port and optional address If the address is not specified, the operating system will attempt to listen on all addresses. Once the binding is complete, a 'listening' event is emitted and the optional callback function is called.

If binding fails, an 'error' event is emitted.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
port number false The port to listen for messages on
address string false The address to bind to (
callback function false With no parameters. Called when binding is complete.

connect(port, host, connectListener)

External docs: Associates the dgram.Socket to a remote address and port. Every message sent by this handle is automatically sent to that destination. Also, the socket will only receive messages from that remote peer. Trying to call connect() on an already connected socket will result in an ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_IS_CONNECTED exception. If the address is not provided, '' (for udp4 sockets) or '::1' (for udp6 sockets) will be used by default. Once the connection is complete, a 'connect' event is emitted and the optional callback function is called. In case of failure, the callback is called or, failing this, an 'error' event is emitted.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
port number false Port the client should connect to.
host string true Host the client should connect to.
connectListener function true Common parameter of socket.connect() methods. Will be added as a listener for the 'connect' event once.


External docs: A synchronous function that disassociates a connected dgram.Socket from its remote address. Trying to call disconnect() on an unbound or already disconnected socket will result in an ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_NOT_CONNECTED exception.

send(msg, offset, length, port, address, callback)

External docs: Broadcasts a datagram on the socket. For connectionless sockets, the destination port and address must be specified. Connected sockets, on the other hand, will use their associated remote endpoint, so the port and address arguments must not be set.

The msg argument contains the message to be sent. Depending on its type, different behavior can apply. If msg is a Buffer, any TypedArray, or a DataView, the offset and length specify the offset within the Buffer where the message begins and the number of bytes in the message, respectively. If msg is a String, then it is automatically converted to a Buffer with 'utf8' encoding. With messages that contain multi-byte characters, offset, and length will be calculated with respect to byte length and not the character position. If msg is an array, offset and length must not be specified.

The address argument is a string. If the value of the address is a hostname, DNS will be used to resolve the address of the host. If the address is not provided or otherwise nullish, '' (for udp4 sockets) or '::1' (for udp6 sockets) will be used by default.

If the socket has not been previously bound with a call to bind, the socket is assigned a random port number and is bound to the "all interfaces" address ('' for udp4 sockets, '::1' for udp6 sockets.)

An optional callback function may be specified as a way of reporting DNS errors or for determining when it is safe to reuse the buf object. DNS lookups delay the time to send for at least one tick of the Node.js event loop.

The only way to know for sure that the datagram has been sent is by using a callback. If an error occurs and a callback is given, the error will be passed as the first argument to the callback. If a callback is not given, the error is emitted as an 'error' event on the socket object.

Offset and length are optional but both must be set if either is used. They are supported only when the first argument is a Buffer, a TypedArray, or a DataView.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
msg Buffer | TypedArray | DataView | string | Array false Message to be sent.
offset integer true Offset in the buffer where the message starts.
length integer true Number of bytes in the message.
port integer true Destination port.
address string true Destination host name or IP address.
callback Function true Called when the message has been sent.


External docs: Close the underlying socket and stop listening for data on it. If a callback is provided, it is added as a listener for the 'close' event.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
callback function true Called when the connection is completed or on error.


External docs: Returns an object containing the address information for a socket. For UDP sockets, this object will contain address, family, and port properties.

This method throws EBADF if called on an unbound socket.

Return Value Type Description
socketInfo Object Information about the local socket
socketInfo.address string The IP address of the socket
socketInfo.port string The port of the socket string The IP family of the socket


External docs: Returns an object containing the address, family, and port of the remote endpoint. This method throws an ERR_SOCKET_DGRAM_NOT_CONNECTED exception if the socket is not connected.

Return Value Type Description
socketInfo Object Information about the remote socket
socketInfo.address string The IP address of the socket
socketInfo.port string The port of the socket string The IP family of the socket


External docs: Sets the SO_RCVBUF socket option. Sets the maximum socket receive buffer in bytes.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
size number false The size of the new receive buffer


External docs: Sets the SO_SNDBUF socket option. Sets the maximum socket send buffer in bytes.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
size number false The size of the new send buffer


External docs:


External docs:

Return Value Type Description
Not specified number the SO_SNDBUF socket send buffer size in bytes.


ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_BOUND (extends SocketError)

Thrown when a socket is already bound.


Thrown when the socket is already connected.


Thrown when the socket is not connected.


Thrown when the socket is not running (not bound or connected).

ERR_SOCKET_BAD_TYPE (extends TypeError)

Thrown when a bad socket type is used in an argument.

ERR_SOCKET_BAD_PORT (extends RangeError)

Thrown when a bad port is given.


Events module is a third party module provided by Browserify and Node.js contributors (MIT License).

External docs:


This module enables interacting with the file system in a way modeled on standard POSIX functions.

The Application Sandbox restricts access to the file system.

iOS Application Sandboxing has a set of rules that limits access to the file system. Apps can only access files in their own sandboxed home directory.

Directory Description
Documents The app’s sandboxed documents directory. The contents of this directory are backed up by iTunes and may be set as accessible to the user via iTunes when UIFileSharingEnabled is set to true in the application's info.plist.
Library The app’s sandboxed library directory. The contents of this directory are synchronized via iTunes (except the Library/Caches subdirectory, see below), but never exposed to the user.
Library/Caches The app’s sandboxed caches directory. The contents of this directory are not synchronized via iTunes and may be deleted by the system at any time. It's a good place to store data which provides a good offline-first experience for the user.
Library/Preferences The app’s sandboxed preferences directory. The contents of this directory are synchronized via iTunes. Its purpose is to be used by the Settings app. Avoid creating your own files in this directory.
tmp The app’s sandboxed temporary directory. The contents of this directory are not synchronized via iTunes and may be deleted by the system at any time. Although, it's recommended that you delete data that is not necessary anymore manually to minimize the space your app takes up on the file system. Use this directory to store data that is only useful during the app runtime.

Example usage:

import * as fs from 'socket:fs';

access(path, mode, callback)

External docs: Asynchronously check access a file for a given mode calling callback upon success or error.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
mode string? | function(Error?)? F_OK(0) true
callback function(Error?)? true

chmod(path, mode, callback)

External docs: Asynchronously changes the permissions of a file. No arguments other than a possible exception are given to the completion callback

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
mode number false
callback function(Error?) false

chown(path, uid, gid, callback)

Changes ownership of file or directory at path with uid and gid.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
uid number false
gid number false
callback function false

close(fd, callback)

External docs: Asynchronously close a file descriptor calling callback upon success or error.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
fd number false
callback function(Error?)? true

copyFile(src, dest, flags, callback)

External docs: Asynchronously copies src to dest calling callback upon success or error.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
src string false The source file path.
dest string false The destination file path.
flags number false Modifiers for copy operation.
callback function(Error=) true The function to call after completion.

createReadStream(path, options)

External docs:

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
options object? true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified ReadStream

createWriteStream(path, options)

External docs:

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
options object? true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified WriteStream

fstat(fd, options, callback)

External docs: Invokes the callback with the <fs.Stats> for the file descriptor. See the POSIX fstat(2) documentation for more detail.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
fd number false A file descriptor.
options object? | function? true An options object.
callback function? false The function to call after completion.

fsync(fd, callback)

Request that all data for the open file descriptor is flushed to the storage device.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
fd number false A file descriptor.
callback function false The function to call after completion.

ftruncate(fd, offset, callback)

Truncates the file up to offset bytes.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
fd number false A file descriptor.
offset number= | function 0 true
callback function? false The function to call after completion.

lchown(path, uid, gid, callback)

Chages ownership of link at path with uid and `gid.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
uid number false
gid number false
callback function false

link(src, dest, )

Creates a link to dest from src.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
src string false
dest string false
(Position 0) function false

open(path, flags, mode, options, callback)

External docs: Asynchronously open a file calling callback upon success or error.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
flags string? r true
mode string? 0o666 true
options object? | function? true
callback function(Error?, number?)? true

opendir(path, options, callback)

External docs: Asynchronously open a directory calling callback upon success or error.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
options object? | function(Error?, Dir?) true
options.encoding string? utf8 true
options.withFileTypes boolean? false true
callback function(Error?, Dir?)? false

read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback)

External docs: Asynchronously read from an open file descriptor.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
fd number false
buffer object | Buffer | TypedArray false The buffer that the data will be written to.
offset number false The position in buffer to write the data to.
length number false The number of bytes to read.
position number | BigInt | null false Specifies where to begin reading from in the file. If position is null or -1 , data will be read from the current file position, and the file position will be updated. If position is an integer, the file position will be unchanged.
callback function(Error?, number?, Buffer?) false

readdir(path, options, callback)

External docs: Asynchronously read all entries in a directory.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
options object? | function(Error?, object) true
options.encoding ? utf8 string? true
options.withFileTypes ? false boolean? true
callback function(Error?, object) false

readFile(path, options, callback)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL | number false
options object? | function(Error?, Buffer?) true
options.encoding ? utf8 string? true
options.flag ? r string? true
options.signal AbortSignal? true
callback function(Error?, Buffer?) false

readlink(path, callback)

Reads link at path

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
callback function(err, string) false

realpath(path, callback)

Computes real path for path

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
callback function(err, string) false

rename(src, dest, callback)

Renames file or directory at src to dest.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
src string false
dest string false
callback function false

rmdir(path, callback)

Removes directory at path.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
callback function false

stat(path, options, callback)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL | number false filename or file descriptor
options object? false
options.encoding ? utf8 string? true
options.flag ? r string? true
options.signal AbortSignal? true
callback function(Error?, Stats?) false

symlink(src, dest)

Creates a symlink of src at dest.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
src string false
dest string false

unlink(path, callback)

Unlinks (removes) file at path.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
callback function false

writeFile(path, data, options, callback)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL | number false filename or file descriptor
data string | Buffer | TypedArray | DataView | object false
options object? false
options.encoding ? utf8 string? true
options.mode ? 0o666 string? true
options.flag ? w string? true
options.signal AbortSignal? true
callback function(Error?) false

watch(, options, callback)

Watch for changes at path calling callback

Argument Type Default Optional Description
(Position 0) string false
options function | object true
options.encoding string utf8 true
callback ?function true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Watcher


  • This module enables interacting with the file system in a way modeled on standard POSIX functions.

The Application Sandbox restricts access to the file system.

iOS Application Sandboxing has a set of rules that limits access to the file system. Apps can only access files in their own sandboxed home directory.

Directory Description
Documents The app’s sandboxed documents directory. The contents of this directory are backed up by iTunes and may be set as accessible to the user via iTunes when UIFileSharingEnabled is set to true in the application's info.plist.
Library The app’s sandboxed library directory. The contents of this directory are synchronized via iTunes (except the Library/Caches subdirectory, see below), but never exposed to the user.
Library/Caches The app’s sandboxed caches directory. The contents of this directory are not synchronized via iTunes and may be deleted by the system at any time. It's a good place to store data which provides a good offline-first experience for the user.
Library/Preferences The app’s sandboxed preferences directory. The contents of this directory are synchronized via iTunes. Its purpose is to be used by the Settings app. Avoid creating your own files in this directory.
tmp The app’s sandboxed temporary directory. The contents of this directory are not synchronized via iTunes and may be deleted by the system at any time. Although, it's recommended that you delete data that is not necessary anymore manually to minimize the space your app takes up on the file system. Use this directory to store data that is only useful during the app runtime.

Example usage:

import fs from 'socket:fs/promises'

access(path, mode, options)

External docs: Asynchronously check access a file.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
mode string? true
options object? true

chmod(path, mode)

External docs:

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
mode number false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

chown(path, uid, gid)

Changes ownership of file or directory at path with uid and gid.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
uid number false
gid number false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

copyFile(src, dest, flags)

Asynchronously copies src to dest calling callback upon success or error.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
src string false The source file path.
dest string false The destination file path.
flags number false Modifiers for copy operation.
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

lchown(path, uid, gid)

Chages ownership of link at path with uid and `gid.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
uid number false
gid number false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

link(src, dest)

Creates a link to dest from dest.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
src string false
dest string false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

mkdir(path, options)

Asynchronously creates a directory.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false The path to create
options object true The optional options argument can be an integer specifying mode (permission and sticky bits), or an object with a mode property and a recursive property indicating whether parent directories should be created. Calling fs.mkdir() when path is a directory that exists results in an error only when recursive is false.
options.recursive boolean false true Recursively create missing path segments.
options.mode number 0o777 true Set the mode of directory, or missing path segments when recursive is true.
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise Upon success, fulfills with undefined if recursive is false, or the first directory path created if recursive is true.

open(path, flags, mode)

External docs: Asynchronously open a file.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
flags string true default: 'r'
mode number true default: 0o666
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

opendir(path, options)

External docs:

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
options object? true
options.encoding string? utf8 true
options.bufferSize number? 32 true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

readdir(path, options)

External docs:

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
options object? false
options.encoding string? utf8 true
options.withFileTypes boolean? false true

readFile(path, options)

External docs:

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
options object? true
options.encoding (string | null)? null true
options.flag string? r true
options.signal AbortSignal? true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<Buffer | string>


Reads link at path

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Computes real path for path

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

rename(src, dest)

Renames file or directory at src to dest.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
src string false
dest string false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Removes directory at path.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

stat(path, options)

External docs:

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL false
options object? true
options.bigint boolean? false true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

symlink(src, dest)

Creates a symlink of src at dest.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
src string false
dest string false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Unlinks (removes) file at path.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

writeFile(path, data, options)

External docs:

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path string | Buffer | URL | FileHandle false filename or FileHandle
data string | Buffer | Array | DataView | TypedArray false
options object? true
options.encoding string | null utf8 true
options.mode number 0o666 true
options.flag string w true
options.signal AbortSignal? true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

watch(, options)

Watch for changes at path calling callback

Argument Type Default Optional Description
(Position 0) string false
options function | object true
options.encoding string utf8 true
options.signal AbortSignal true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Watcher


This is a low-level API that you don't need unless you are implementing a library on top of Socket SDK. A Socket SDK app has two or three processes.

When you need to send a message to another window or to the backend, you should use the application module to get a reference to the window and use the send method to send a message.

  • The Render process, is the UI where the HTML, CSS, and JS are run.
  • The Bridge process, is the thin layer of code that manages everything.
  • The Main process, is for apps that need to run heavier compute jobs. And unlike electron it's optional.

The Bridge process manages the Render and Main process, it may also broker data between them.

The Binding process uses standard input and output as a way to communicate. Data written to the write-end of the pipe is buffered by the OS until it is read from the read-end of the pipe.

The IPC protocol uses a simple URI-like scheme. Data is passed as ArrayBuffers.


Example usage:

import { send } from 'socket:ipc'

emit(name, value, target, options)

Emit event to be dispatched on window object.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
name string false
value any false
target EventTarget window true
options Object true

send(command, value, options)

Sends an async IPC command request with parameters.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
command string false
value any true
options object true
options.cache boolean false true
options.bytes boolean false true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


External docs:

Provides a higher level API over the stream-relay protocol.


This module provides normalized system information from all the major operating systems.

Example usage:

import { arch, platform } from 'socket:os'


Returns the operating system CPU architecture for which Socket was compiled.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified string 'arm64', 'ia32', 'x64', or 'unknown'


External docs: Returns an array of objects containing information about each CPU/core. The properties of the objects are:

  • model <string> - CPU model name.
  • speed <number> - CPU clock speed (in MHz).
  • times <object> - An object containing the fields user, nice, sys, idle, irq representing the number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in each mode.
    • user <number> - Time spent by this CPU or core in user mode.
    • nice <number> - Time spent by this CPU or core in user mode with low priority (nice).
    • sys <number> - Time spent by this CPU or core in system mode.
    • idle <number> - Time spent by this CPU or core in idle mode.
    • irq <number> - Time spent by this CPU or core in IRQ mode.
Return Value Type Description
cpus Array An array of objects containing information about each CPU/core.


External docs: Returns an object containing network interfaces that have been assigned a network address. Each key on the returned object identifies a network interface. The associated value is an array of objects that each describe an assigned network address. The properties available on the assigned network address object include:

  • address <string> - The assigned IPv4 or IPv6 address.
  • netmask <string> - The IPv4 or IPv6 network mask.
  • family <string> - The address family ('IPv4' or 'IPv6').
  • mac <string> - The MAC address of the network interface.
  • internal <boolean> - Indicates whether the network interface is a loopback interface.
  • scopeid <number> - The numeric scope ID (only specified when family is 'IPv6').
  • cidr <string> - The CIDR notation of the interface.
Return Value Type Description
Not specified object An object containing network interfaces that have been assigned a network address.


External docs: Returns the operating system platform. The returned value is equivalent to process.platform.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified string 'android', 'cygwin', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'darwin', 'ios', 'openbsd', 'win32', or 'unknown'


External docs: Returns the operating system name.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified string 'CYGWIN_NT', 'Mac', 'Darwin', 'FreeBSD', 'Linux', 'OpenBSD', 'Windows_NT', 'Win32', or 'Unknown'


Return Value Type Description
Not specified boolean true if the operating system is Windows.


Return Value Type Description
Not specified string The operating system's default directory for temporary files.


The operating system's end-of-line marker. '\r\n' on Windows and '\n' on POSIX.


Get resource usage.


Returns the system uptime in seconds.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified number The system uptime in seconds.


Returns the operating system name.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified string The operating system name.


Example usage:

import { Path } from 'socket:path'


External docs: The path.resolve() method resolves a sequence of paths or path segments into an absolute path.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
...paths strig false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified string


Computes current working directory for a path

Argument Type Default Optional Description
opts object true
opts.posix Set to true to force POSIX style path boolean true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified string


Computed location origin. Defaults to socket:/// if not available.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified string

relative(options, from, to)

Computes the relative path from from to to.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false
from PathComponent false
to PathComponent false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified string

join(options, components)

Joins path components. This function may not return an absolute path.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false
components ...PathComponent false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified string

dirname(options, components)

Computes directory name of path.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false
components ...PathComponent false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified string

basename(options, components)

Computes base name of path.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false
components ...PathComponent false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified string

extname(options, path)

Computes extension name of path.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false
path PathComponent false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified string

normalize(options, path)

Computes normalized path

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false
path PathComponent false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified string

format(options, path)

Formats Path object into a string.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false
path object | Path false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified string


Parses input path into a Path instance.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path PathComponent false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified object


A container for a parsed Path.

from(input, cwd)

Creates a Path instance from input and optional cwd.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
input PathComponent false
cwd string true

constructor(pathname, cwd)

Path class constructor.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
pathname string false
cwd string Path.cwd() true


true if the path is relative, otherwise `false.


The working value of this path.


The original source, unresolved.


Computed parent path.


Computed root in path.


Computed directory name in path.


Computed base name in path.


Computed base name in path without path extension.


Computed extension name in path.


The computed drive, if given in the path.


Return Value Type Description
Not specified URL


Converts this Path instance to a string.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified string


Example usage:

import process from 'socket:process'


Adds callback to the 'nextTick' queue.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
callback Function false


Return Value Type Description
Not specified string The home directory of the current user.


Computed high resolution time as a BigInt.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
time Array? true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified bigint


Argument Type Default Optional Description
code number 0 true The exit code. Default: 0.


Returns an object describing the memory usage of the Node.js process measured in bytes.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified Object


Provides a test runner for Socket Runtime.

Example usage:

import { test } from 'socket:test'

test('test name', async t => {
  t.equal(1, 1)


Return Value Type Description
Not specified number The default timeout for tests in milliseconds.


constructor(name, fn, runner)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
name string false
fn TestFn false
runner TestRunner false


Argument Type Default Optional Description
msg string false


Plan the number of assertions.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
n number false

deepEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
actual T false
expected T false
msg string true

notDeepEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
actual T false
expected T false
msg string true

equal(actual, expected, msg)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
actual T false
expected T false
msg string true

notEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
actual unknown false
expected unknown false
msg string true


Argument Type Default Optional Description
msg string true

ok(actual, msg)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
actual unknown false
msg string true


Argument Type Default Optional Description
msg string true

ifError(err, msg)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
err Error | null | undefined false
msg string true

throws(fn, expected, message)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
fn Function false
expected RegExp | any true
message string true

sleep(ms, msg)

Sleep for ms with an optional msg

await t.sleep(100)
Argument Type Default Optional Description
ms number false
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Request animation frame with an optional msg. Falls back to a 0ms setTimeout when tests are run headlessly.

await t.requestAnimationFrame()
Argument Type Default Optional Description
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

click(selector, msg)

Dispatch the `click`` method on an element specified by selector.

await'.class button', 'Click a button')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string | HTMLElement | Element false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

eventClick(selector, msg)

Dispatch the click window.MouseEvent on an element specified by selector.

await t.eventClick('.class button', 'Click a button with an event')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string | HTMLElement | Element false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

dispatchEvent(event, target, msg)

Dispatch an event on the target.

await t.dispatchEvent('my-event', '#my-div', 'Fire the my-event event')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string | Event false The event name or Event instance to dispatch.
target string | HTMLElement | Element false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element to dispatch the event on.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

focus(selector, msg)

Call the focus method on element specified by selector.

await t.focus('#my-div')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string | HTMLElement | Element false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

blur(selector, msg)

Call the blur method on element specified by selector.

await t.blur('#my-div')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string | HTMLElement | Element false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

type(selector, str, msg)

Consecutively set the str value of the element specified by selector to simulate typing.

await t.typeValue('#my-div', 'Hello World', 'Type "Hello World" into #my-div')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string | HTMLElement | Element false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element.
str string false The string to type into the :focus element.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

appendChild(parentSelector, el, msg)

appendChild an element el to a parent selector element.

const myElement = createElement('div')
await t.appendChild('#parent-selector', myElement, 'Append myElement into #parent-selector')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
parentSelector string | HTMLElement | Element false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element to appendChild on.
el HTMLElement | Element false A element to append to the parent element.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

removeElement(selector, msg)

Remove an element from the DOM.

await t.removeElement('#dom-selector', 'Remove #dom-selector')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string | HTMLElement | Element false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element to remove from the DOM.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

elementVisible(selector, msg)

Test if an element is visible

await t.elementVisible('#dom-selector','Element is visible')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string | HTMLElement | Element false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element to test visibility on.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

elementInvisible(selector, msg)

Test if an element is invisible

await t.elementInvisible('#dom-selector','Element is invisible')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string | HTMLElement | Element false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element to test visibility on.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

waitFor(querySelectorOrFn, opts, msg)

Test if an element is invisible

await t.waitFor('#dom-selector', { visible: true },'#dom-selector is on the page and visible')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
querySelectorOrFn string | (() => HTMLElement | Element | null | undefined) false A query string or a function that returns an element.
opts Object true
opts.visible boolean true The element needs to be visible.
opts.timeout number true The maximum amount of time to wait.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<HTMLElement | Element | void>

waitForText(selector, opts, msg)

Test if an element is invisible

await t.waitForText('#dom-selector', 'Text to wait for')
await t.waitForText('#dom-selector', /hello/i)
await t.waitForText('#dom-selector', {
  text: 'Text to wait for',
  multipleTags: true
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string | HTMLElement | Element false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element.
opts WaitForTextOpts | string | RegExp true
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<HTMLElement | Element | void>

querySelector(selector, msg)

Run a querySelector as an assert and also get the results

const element = await t.querySelector('#dom-selector')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element to select.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified HTMLElement | Element

querySelectorAll(selector, msg)

Run a querySelectorAll as an assert and also get the results

const elements = await t.querySelectorAll('#dom-selector', '')
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string false A CSS selector string, or an instance of HTMLElement, or Element to select.
msg string true
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Array<HTMLElement | Element>

getComputedStyle(selector, msg)

Retrieves the computed styles for a given element.

// Using CSS selector
const style = getComputedStyle('.my-element', 'Custom success message');
// Using Element object
const el = document.querySelector('.my-element');
const style = getComputedStyle(el);
Argument Type Default Optional Description
selector string | Element false The CSS selector or the Element object for which to get the computed styles.
msg string true An optional message to display when the operation is successful. Default message will be generated based on the type of selector.
Return Value Type Description
Not specified CSSStyleDeclaration The computed styles of the element.


pass: number, fail: number }>}



Argument Type Default Optional Description
report (lines: string) => void true


Return Value Type Description
Not specified string

add(name, fn, only)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
name string false
fn TestFn false
only boolean false


Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Argument Type Default Optional Description
) (result: { total: number, success: number, fail: number > void} callback false

only(name, fn)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
name string false
fn TestFn true

skip(_name, _fn)

Argument Type Default Optional Description
_name string false
_fn TestFn true


Argument Type Default Optional Description
strict boolean false


Provides ApplicationWindow class and methods

Don't use this module directly, get instances of ApplicationWindow with socket:application methods like getCurrentWindow, createWindow, getWindow, and getWindows.


Represents a window in the application


Get the index of the window

Return Value Type Description
Not specified number the index of the window


Get the size of the window

Return Value Type Description
Not specified { width: number, height: number } - the size of the window


Get the title of the window

Return Value Type Description
Not specified string the title of the window


Get the status of the window

Return Value Type Description
Not specified string the status of the window


Close the window

Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise the options of the window


Shows the window

Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>


Hides the window

Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>


Sets the title of the window

Argument Type Default Optional Description
title string false the title of the window
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>


Sets the size of the window

Argument Type Default Optional Description
opts object false an options object
opts.width number | string true the width of the window
opts.height number | string true the height of the window
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>


Navigate the window to a given path

Argument Type Default Optional Description
path object false file path
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>


Opens the Web Inspector for the window

Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Sets the background color of the window

Argument Type Default Optional Description
opts object false an options object number false the red value number false the green value number false the blue value
opts.alpha number false the alpha value
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Opens a native context menu.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false an options object
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Shows a native open file dialog.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false an options object
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<string[]> an array of file paths


Shows a native save file dialog.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false an options object
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<string[]> an array of file paths


Shows a native directory dialog.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false an options object
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<string[]> an array of file paths


This is a high-level API that you should use instead of ipc.send when you want to send a message to another window or to the backend.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false an options object
options.window number true the window to send the message to
options.backend boolean false true whether to send the message to the backend
options.event string false the event to send
options.value string | object true the value to send


Opens an URL in the default browser.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise<ipc.Result>

addListener(event, cb)

Adds a listener to the window.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to listen to
cb function(*): void false the callback to call

on(event, cb)

Adds a listener to the window. An alias for addListener.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to listen to
cb function(*): void false the callback to call

once(event, cb)

Adds a listener to the window. The listener is removed after the first call.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to listen to
cb function(*): void false the callback to call

removeListener(event, cb)

Removes a listener from the window.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to remove the listener from
cb function(*): void false the callback to remove


Removes all listeners from the window.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to remove the listeners from

off(event, cb)

Removes a listener from the window. An alias for removeListener.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to remove the listener from
cb function(*): void false the callback to remove

IPC (External Module)

This is an API that has been implemented for nodejs to communicate between itself and Socket runtime over IPC.


Send event to webview via IPC

Argument Type Default Optional Description
options object false
options.window number false window index to send event to
options.event string false event name
options.value any true data to send
Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise


Send the heartbeat event to the webview.

Return Value Type Description
Not specified Promise

addListener(event, cb)

Adds a listener to the window.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to listen to
cb function(*): void false the callback to call

on(event, cb)

Adds a listener to the window. An alias for addListener.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to listen to
cb function(*): void false the callback to call

once(event, cb)

Adds a listener to the window. The listener is removed after the first call.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to listen to
cb function(*): void false the callback to call

removeListener(event, cb)

Removes a listener from the window.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to remove the listener from
cb function(*): void false the callback to remove


Removes all listeners from the window.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to remove the listeners from

off(event, cb)

Removes a listener from the window. An alias for removeListener.

Argument Type Default Optional Description
event string false the event to remove the listener from
cb function(*): void false the callback to remove